I started this blog when merging two names to make one was made popular by celebrities. Hal-ton It is a combination of my daughter and son's names. This blog focuses on what family needs, free stuff, deals, coupons, reviews, giveaways, tips, and recipes. Anything to make life as a mom easier. Welcome and thanks for your interest in my blog.

My hope is that after leaving my blog today you will have a better understanding of what I am doing here.
This blog started out as a way to gain extra entries in blogger giveaways. Hey I'm honest! I then decided to try out Meal Planning, Wordless Wednesday, and I Heart Faces all of which are great programs that bring traffic to your blog but only one stayed with me. Meal Planning! See I love food so that's a no brainer. An extension of that love is recipes! Yea you'll find quite a bit of those on here as well. I'm also big on freebies so I link those often. But then one day I figured why limit myself to entering only when I can host! So luckily I found some great ladies over at Marie-Madeline Studios and they became my first sponsor. After a very long while I decided to host another giveaway out of pocket. I'm dedicated what can I say. It's like that old song, "you've gotta give a little to get a little." I tell you this so you can see how serious I am about all of this. I consider myself a passionate person. If I love it you'll know it. I have many causes in life as well one of which is finding a cure for cancer. Which brings me to my number one passion in life. My family!
I'm a 30 year old mother and wife of 10 years. I have two gorgeous amazing children. My daughter is an Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia survivor! She has 2 years of remission under her belt and counting. She is my 6 year old hero and best girlfriend. We love playing together in lotions, make-up, and FOOD! She's a future Iron Chef be on the look out you can say you found her here first. At the time of diagnosis I was pregnant with my son, who is 2 now. He's in competition with the Energizer Bunny most days. He has no off switch and he's a complete joy. I often joke that he's a future inmate because it'll take a cage to keep him safe from himself. He's two and I dread him getting a permit, 'nuff said. I have these two amazing children because of my adorable husband. He's a mans man. He loves the outdoors and whitetail hunting. I'm often on the lookout for giveaways and reviews that gear towards these three very important people in my life. Although ever now and then I enjoy pampering myself. I love to read and I consider myself a mamarazzi, most people will not leave their house without a phone. Me? I need my camera times a moving!
I tell you all this so you will have an idea of who you will be dealing with if you decide to contact me to review and/or giveaway your products. If you've enjoyed your read and find yourself interested in getting in touch please take a moment to read my Product Review Policy and my Disclosure. I welcome all family oriented, mommy friendly pitches. Please feel free to email me! lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for reading and God bless you!

Hello and it was nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I have done the same.
I love Friday Follow. So many new people, so little time.
I hope you have a great weekend. Take care and God Bless!!!
Genial post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.
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