As many of you may know my daughter was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2007 and due to chemotherapy, steroids and other medications on top of having a father with eczema she pretty much has skin like paper. She can not use lotions with perfumes of any kind. She gets cracks between her fingers and sores very quickly from the excess of hand washing. We all were prescribed with hand washing and sanitizing regularly after diagnosis, to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Needless to say everyone has skin like paper, even my 2 year old son. So when Amber with Skin MD Natural emailed me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing a bottle of their Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion, I jumped at the chance. Amber was really nice and informed me that she would ship out a bottle that week. I hurried over to the Skin MD web page www.skinmdnatural.com. This is want they had to say about their product.
Skin MD Natural uses only the finest natural ingredients, and is focused on urging the skin to be active, and to use its own moisture to effectively heal itself. It is not oily or sticky, doesn't sit on top of your skin leaving a greasy residue on everything you touch, it doesn't rub or wash off easily, is hypoallergenic, fragrance, colorant and paraben free and dermatology tested.
It's for Moms, Dads and Kids of all ages.
It's an easy, safe and natural way to care for your skin throughout the day.
Every day.
I was even more excited to get my bottle in and begin my review. After a week of using it on my face and hands I could tell a difference immediately. I loved that it was not greasy and that I didn't have to use very much at all. The great part was that my face didn't break out at all even though my skin has a bad habit of not liking new things. My skin and Skin MD Naturals fell in love. My daughter used some on her hands and she liked it alot. My husband used the product with note able results and less itching. I even put a little on my two year old's hands after washing with anti-bacterial soap. I think the only con to all these pros is that I wish I had another bottle! I did notice a subtle scent from the aloe vera but nothing overpowering. Overall I loved the product and highly recommend that you try it!
Buy it: If you'd like to give Skin MD a try, you can buy Skin MD lotions at skinmdnatural.com or click on the site to find a nearby pharmacy that carries it or you can order a free sample!

Win it!:One (1) lucky The Halton Mom reader will win a full size bottle of Skin MD lotion.
Mandatory Entry: Publicly Follow my blog through Google Friend Connect (to the right)AND head over to Skin MD Naturals and tell me why you would like to win this product! This one is worth 2 entries be sure and comment twice (2) with your email address! If this entry is not done no other entry will be valid.
Extra Entries:(Do as many or as little as you like these are not mandatory but are greatly appreciated and mutually beneficial!.):
1. Blog about this giveaway(and link me).
2. Grab my button (and link me so I can check).
3. Follow me on Twitter (Leave your Twitter username i.e. @TheHaltonMom
4. and Tweet this giveaway!(Unlimited entry tweet daily!)
5. Vote for my blog on Bizymoms Blogger.
6. Share me (Technorati, Stumple, Digg, etc widget to the right.)
7. Email this giveaway and CC lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com
Contest ends December 7th, An email address is required to enter. Please leave it in your comment, or make sure one is visible for me to find in your blogger profile. If you qualify for additional entries please comment separately telling me which options you have used. A winner will be chosen via random.org. The winner will be contacted by email and will have 48 hours to reply before a new winner is chosen. U.S. entrants only.
Disclosure: I received a free full size bottle of Skin MD Natural and 3 sample packs for my family to review. Thank you Skin MD Natural for sponsoring this giveaway!

I follow your blog.
aneast4 at yahoo dot com
I would love to win this lotion. My children have really dry skin and my hubby has excema. I love the fact that this lotion will help my family with there skin issues.
aneast4 at yahoo dot com
my skin is super dry and I go thru lotion like it is water
dlee at highline dot edu
I seen that they reccomend this for people with Thyroid Disease for dry, itchy skin so I would love to win this giveaway.
misty_labean yahoo com
Im a follower
misty_labean yahoo com
Put your button here http://paranormalbooklovers.blogspot.com
misty_labean yahoo com
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