
Weekly Meal Plan

Hello everyone, it is time for Meal Planning once again! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We got our taxes done, which was a huge sigh of relief. I actually got some shopping in also for an up coming event. So great weekend at the Halton home. We have a great review coming this week. So keep your eyes open and don't forget to comment. Here is my plan for the week!

Kickin Creamy Chicken Crockpot Stew
Breakfast for Dinner
Riblet Subs, Fries, & Steamed Broccoli
Lasagna in a Skillet & Garden Salad

So what's cooking at your house? Need help with your plan? Click the button above to find 100s of Meal Plans at Orgjunkie! While you are here enter my giveaway! Why not sign up for my newsletter and stay informed. Have a great week!


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