
The Elf on the Shelf: The Adventures of Sugar Plum and Sugar Blast Day 12&13!

Day 12
On this day our elves did not move. We have no idea why. It wouldn't possibly be because someone forgot.
 Never. ;)

Day 13
Last night Colton slept in the living room. And both of our little elves snuggled up next to him on the couches.

Colton was super excited that Sugar Blast had slept right next to him!

Throw Back Thursday fun!

 I've been reading about a lot of kiddos being sick. I thought I would share one of Sugar Plum's adventures, when she wasn't feeling so adventurous. Did you guys know that elf poop looks like chocolate chips? Yeah, I was pretty shocked too. ;)

Well elf lovers that's all for today. We will be back with more elf tomorrow!

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