
The Grocery Cart Challenge: Frugal Tips= Homemade Hand Sanitizer

Am I the only one that had their eyebrows raise at that line? Maybe its that I'm a cancer mom and my hands are so dry from multiple daily uses of hand sanitizer. But I was excited when I read this. I'm going to have to try it, either that or buy stock in GermX. I couldn't help sharing with my readers. Go see Gayle over at The Grocery Cart Challenge for more information.



smilinggreenmom said...

Hi there! I am also a mommy blogger and have a new site called smilinggreenmom.com and I just love natural recipes and and natural living. I think it is so important for our health. I wanted to share too that I have learned since our son has had severe food allergies and Eczema, how amazing probiotics are! The Bellyboost kids chewables have helped him so much in getting better and our prayers were really heard. Anyway- I have found out that as we continue to wash our hands so much...and to use hand sanitizer, that we are also killing the beneficial bacteria that our bodies need to fight off infection. Our whole family loves Vidazorb now and it feels great to know that we are replenishing the good guys!

I just adore your blog (the colors are my favorites!) and I will for sure be back. I am so glad to hear that your little girl is doing well. We have two of our own who are our whole world! :)

Niecey said...

Sounds interesting. I'll check it out. I'm not a huge fan of hand sanitizers, and I'm a bit of a freak about avoiding chemicals...
thanks for the link.