Do you all remember my review I wrote last month about this funny book? Well if not click the word review and check it out. I found this book a fun read for myself. I would say I wouldn't want my daughter to read it though. I don't want her thinking along the lines of these two no matter how tongue in cheek. I understand they are not the people they want you to believe they are but even if you look over some of the language its just not something I would want my child to read. But I digress this book is alot of fun and will leave you with a sense of realty about who these two really are and who they are 'playing' on the show. So who wants my copy?! Yep, I've decided to part with it and I want one of you to have it!
Mandatory Entry: Follow this blog(widget to the right).
Extra Entries:(Do as many or as little as you like these are not mandatory but are mutually beneficial! Don't forget to leave your email address!):
1. Blog about this giveaway(and link me)= 5 entries.
2. Grab my button (and link me so I can check)= 5 entries.
3. Follow me on Twitter(leave your twitter name please.)
4. and Tweet this giveaway(link me)!= Unlimited tweet your heart out just let me know you did!
5. Vote for my blog on Bizymoms Blogger.= 2 entries
6. Share me (Stumple, Digg, etc widget to the left.)= 2
7. Email this giveaway and CC lil_wifey21 at yahoo dot com = 1 entry per person you emailed.
Contest ends: January 17th @ Midnight EST. Winner will be chosen via Random.org. Winner will have 48 hours to respond via email to claim their win. If Random winner fails to respond I reserve the right to choose another winner. Open to US Residents and 18+ entraints only please.
I want to thank the great people of the Hachette Book Group for the opportunity to review this book. Also a huge thanks to The Product Review Place for connecting me with this sponsor.
Disclaimer: I was not compensated for my review of this book. I received a free copy to review which did not effect my opinion or this review. These are my opinions ones that you may not share.
Good luck!

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